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Jill patton - Luna Tigre candles 


Tell us who you are and a bit about yourself.

As a Navy brat, I grew up moving all over the world but have been an Austinite for ten years. I live with my husband (who is also Luna Tigre's Creative Director), our two dogs JPEG and Link and we will welcome our daughter this coming summer! 


We know you create awesome smelling and looking candles, but what else do you like to do?

I love to read - I probably read 2-3 books a week! I'm also a huge foodie and love eating out at restaurants and cooking anything and everything, from Italian to Thai food.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I'm inspired by travel, life experiences and senses besides smell - especially taste. I enjoy connecting our candle scents to memories and emotions and love hearing what they remind our customers of - it's amazing how a scent can take someone to a completely different place and time. 

Stranded on a desert island - If you could only have one book, movie, and album what would they be?

Book - Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi. It's a true crime story about the Manson murders written by the prosecutor. I know, weird, but I've read it probably ten times and it's fascinating and super detailed. If you like crime podcasts or TV shows, you need to read it!  
Album - From Here to Infirmary - Alkaline Trio 
Movie - I'm more of a TV show person, so I'm going to pick Game of Thrones because I can watch it over and over again! (Oh, of course I read the books a few times too...) 


If you could spend the day with one artist or craftsman (dead or alive) who would it be?

Easy, Lady Gaga! I love her. 

What’s your favorite city and why?

This is hard to narrow down, but I'm going to go with Rome - it has an amazing energy and sense of community. I'd love nothing more than to sit outside at a cafe drinking wine and eating fresh pasta as Italians hustle by! 


What handmade possession do you most cherish?

My husband bought me a very simple silver ring with a knot in it when we first moved to Austin in 2010 at the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar. It's the only piece of jewelry I consistently wear besides my wedding ring. 



What’s your favorite restaurant you’ve eaten at in the last year?   What’s your all-time favorite restaurant or meal?

My absolute favorite restaurant is Uchi in Austin. It's my restaurant of choice for every anniversary or birthday, so we usually go a couple of times a year and totally splurge on sushi from Japan. I can't wait to visit when quarantine is over! 



If we peeked inside your studio, what would be the first thing we’d notice?

Oh, what a mess! An ORGANIZED mess - I know where everything is and it works for me, but I would imagine it would be overwhelming for an outsider!

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